Archive for 29 de noviembre de 2010


In the following sentences, say if you agree or disagree

1. Your pair says to you with whom you must go out CORRECT        INCORRECT

2. You register to your pair his personal things CORRECT          INCORRECT

3. Your pair prevents you from going out and seeing your friends CORRECT           INCORRECT

4 It bothers your pair that you happen mas time with your family that with. CORRECT        INCORRECT

5. The relation works better with love CORRECT               INCORRECT

6. You still have your pair in verguenza in front of his friends INCORRECT      C ORRECTO

7. We want to feel protected by a boy INCORRECT   CORRECTO

Say if the gollowing staments are right or wrong, in your opinion

1. It is difficult to the boys to ask more diculpas when there is a discursion.


2. Your pair prevents you from going out when it does not go out.. I REMIND      DISAGREEMENT

3. The boys always give the orders in the relcion of pair. I REMIND        DISAGREEMENT

4. We do not believe that we can be independent without a boy to the side. I REMIND           DISAGREEMENT

5. Precisely because you feel well being a man, you do not need to despise the women. I REMIND         DISAGREEMENT

6. The girls are mas sentimental I REMIND       DISAGREEMENT

7. The girls always estan earrings of the boys. I REMIND     DISAGREEMENT



* She was verbally abused as a child, witnessed it in her own family, or was verbally abused by a previous partner.

* She has low self-esteem.

* She has an intense temper, triggered by minor frustrations and arguments.

* Her sense of power or control depends on her partner’s acquiescence and his performance per her demands.  She feels «in control» only if her partner is totally passive and giving in to all of her preferences and decisions.

* She has rigid expectations or fantasies of marriage, partnership, or men, and will not compromise.  She expects him to behave according to her expectations of what her partner should be like; perhaps the way her parents’ marriage was, or its opposite.  She demands that he change to accommodate her expectations.


Isolation from others – Feelings of low self-worth – Depression – Emotional problems – Illness – Increased alcohol or drug use – Withdrawal from real life into an Internet alternative reality


1. The brainwasher keeps the victim unaware of what is going on and what changes are taking place.

Your partner might control your finances, make plans for you, or not tell you what his plans are until the last minute.  He may talk about you to others behind your back, to isolate you from them.

2. The brainwasher controls the victim’s time and physical environment, and works to suppress much of the victim’s old behavior.  The victim is slowly, or abruptly, isolated from all supportive persons except the brainwasher.

Your partner might have insisted that you stop certain social, hobby, or work activities.  You might have gotten moved to a new location, farther away from your family and friends.  Or you may have been asked (or told) to reduce or stop contact with specific supportive people in your life.

3. The brainwasher creates in the victim a sense of powerlessness, fear, and dependency.

Verbal and emotional abuse creates these emotions, and they become stronger and stronger over time.

4. The brainwasher works to instill new behavior and attitudes in the victim.

Your partner trains to you behave in ways that he wants you to behave.  He gradually makes you feel differently about yourself, and erodes your confidence in yourself.

5. The brainwasher puts forth a closed system of logic, and allows no real input or criticism.

In other words — What he says, goes.


Isolation from others – Low self-esteem – Depression – Emotional problems – Illness – Increased alcohol or drug use – Withdrawal from real life into an Internet alternative reality


arrowright.GIF (601 bytes) Phase 1 – TENSION BUILDING:
Tension increases, breakdown of communication, victim feels need to placate the abuser.
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Phase 4 – CALM:
Incident is «forgotten», no abuse is taking place.
Cycle of Abuse Phase 2 – INCIDENT:
Verbal and emotional abuse.  Anger, blaming, arguing.  Threats.  Intimidation.
arrowup.GIF (560 bytes) Phase 3 – RECONCILIATION:
Abuser apologizes, gives excuses, blames the victim, denies the abuse occurred, or says it wasn’t as bad as the victim claims.
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